2017年6月30日 星期五

俄羅斯方塊大對戰 v2.0.6.0 已發佈啦!!!

Google Play Store


Date: 2017/07/01
1. Not receive opponent's information and game starts. Add a sync mechanism to make sure info exchange is done.

俄羅斯方塊大對戰 v2.0.5.0 已發佈啦!!!

Google Play Store




Date: 2017/06/30
1. Add "Control" for players to select left hand or right hand. Each mode will result in different play layout.
2. The rectangle of "Playing Region" for the current player will blink for 5 seconds when the game starts.
1. Block will flash one time when it's on ground and player presses Down button.
1. Performance improvement.
2. Only show one LV/LINES in double game.

2017年6月27日 星期二

俄羅斯方塊大對戰 v2.0.0.0 已發佈啦!!!

Google Play Store



Date: 2017/06/27
1. Add Fight in Internet and Private Room functions for players to play double game more easily.
2. In Double game, it will show two player's infomation.
3. Player can set nickname in Setting. (For double player game)
4. Double pressing back key to leave the game.
1. Many network error handle.
1. New style button icons and flexiable layout for large tablet.
2. Remove Double Master and Double Slave related functions.
3. Change Help to online help. The content is on the web.\
4. Private room game result will not be counted into double fight record.
5. No pause button in double game.
6. In double game, disconnecting from the game will lose.

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2017年6月25日 星期日

俄羅斯方塊大對戰說明 Block Fighter Help


Q 如何控制方塊?

Q 甚麼是單人對戰遊戲?

Q 如何玩雙人對戰遊戲?
1. 確認您的網路連線正常。
2. 選擇網際對戰。
3. 如果有玩家已在等待,遊戲會直接開始。若沒有,則您會開始等待其他玩家加入您

Q 如何與朋友對戰?
1. 確認您的網路連線正常。
2. 選擇伙伴對戰。
3. 選擇開啟私人房。在下方會有您的房間號。
4. 告訴您的朋友房號,讓他們進入。

Q 雙人遊戲的規則?
Q 等級代表甚麼?

Q 最高等級是多少? 

Q 我可以在設定中更改甚麼?

Q 遊戲可以暫停嗎?

Q 玩雙人遊戲為何需要選擇帳號?

Q 這遊戲有多少關卡?

Q How to control blocks?
Try the 4 buttons on the bottom of the play screen. 
You can move block left/right/down and rotate it. 

Q What is Single Fight game?
You can play with AI in this mode and the AI speed can be selected under setting. 
In fighting, you can attack AI by cleaning 2 lines or more in one drop and vice versa.

Q How to "Fight in Internet" ?
1. Make sure your network setting is fine. 
2. Press "Fight in Internet" button. 
3. If someone is waiting, the game will be starting. 
Otherwise, just need to wait other unknown opponent from the internet. 
4. Anytime, you can cancel the waiting.

Q How to play with my friend?
1. Make sure your network setting is fine and press "Private Room". 
2. Select open a room, the room number will be shown in the bottom box.
3. Tell your friend the room number to enter.

Q. What is the rule of double player game?
1. The starting level is set by the player who entered the battle field first.
2. No pause for the double player game.
3. The player who leaves the game will lose the game.
4. The player who disconnects from the game will lose.
5. Cleaning more than two lines by one drop can attack the opponent by 
piling up the blocks in opponent's screen.
Q What does Grade mean?
It's a comprehensive rating about your exp in the double game. The exp value is highly related to your win/lose/score. We may assign special ability for grades in the future.

Q What's the highest grade?

Q What can I set in Setting?
Nickname, right/left-hand control, button properties, game music and sound, start-level for each kind of games, AI speed.

Q Where can I see my nickname?
In double player game.

Q Why need I select my account to join double game?
For some latest version of Android device, we will need you to select your
account for our server to identify.

Q How many levels are there in this game?
Over 100 levels

[俄羅斯方塊大對戰] 雙人對戰規則

  1. 連線的起始關卡以莊家的設定為主,莊家是先在戰場裏頭等待的玩家。
  2. 起始關卡設定最多為 9
  3. 雙人對戰沒有暫停,也就是一旦戰爭開打,沒有暫停鍵可按,若接電話,回主畫面或到其他App,遊戲依然持續進行中。
  4. 遊戲中若回選單畫面視同放棄比賽,算敗一場,對方則贏一局。
  5. 連線中若斷線30秒以上則判定為敗,對方為勝。
  6. 對戰後若離開遊戲未回則算敗。
  7. 一次消去兩列以上方塊將攻擊對方,對方底部會增高對應的方塊列,缺口為最左或最右隨機生成。
  8. 玩家方塊堆高至畫面頂算敗。

即將更新的 [俄羅斯方塊大對戰] Block Fighter


  1. 只要有網路連線就能聯網對戰。
  2. 玩家能夠隨機的找到對手進行對戰。連線超簡單,即按即玩。
  3. 玩家能夠開啟自己的私人房與朋友進行對戰,不再需要輸入IP。
  4. 個人暱稱與戰績能即時顯示在對戰畫面。