掃一下安裝 |
1. 伙伴對戰成績會各別紀錄,但雙方都必須使用本版本以上。
2. 在關於裡增加版本檢查。
3. 修正有時在遊戲中離開至其他程序回來後會當掉的問題。
4. 讓開始遊戲時突然閃過的黑畫面消失。
5. 針對沒有Play Store安裝的裝置,尤其是大陸玩家在下載,更新,說明時導向大陸KBSoft的相關網頁。
6. 改變玩家在單人遊戲時候所能選擇的初始關卡。
1. Store record in Private Room Game. It will count the result for every friend individually.
2. Add Check for update in About. It will open the play store or tencent store.
3. When players leave the playing game to use other apps and come back again, the app will crash.
4. Make the transition from Menu to Play screen more smooth. (No more black screen with buttons flash.)
5. For Single and Single Fight game, players can change the starting level to 0, 10, 20...90.